Activities of the Current Project
From the very first MOOCs4Inclusion study, it has been clear that the offer of FDL for the inclusion of migrants and refugees is a fast-changing landscape.
The first study presented and categorised free digital learning initiatives following a literature review, phone interviews, an open online survey, and focus groups. Read more about the first study and its activities here.
To update and expand the existing catalogue of FDL initiatives, the team:
- Updated the information on the initiatives already included in the catalogue
The team contacted all 115 initiatives included in the catalogue and asked them to provide updated information on their initiatives, using the updated template. - Identified and included new initiatives in the catalogue
New initiatives were identified through desk research and through an open call for initiatives to be included in the catalogue. - Disseminated and promoted the catalogue
The catalogue has been disseminated widely through CARDET’s network and JRC