This catalogue of free digital learning initiatives has been finalised as of July 2021. The project team continued to receive requests for new initiatives until November 2022. The catalogue is open and freely accessible to all interested parties

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  • Employment
The resource is a self-directed learning course which consists of different types of training materials, combined in 4 learning sessions:
  • Readings. This session provides the theoretical background of the mentoring on employment-related issues from the mentee’s point of view. The reading material is divided into 7 modules which require a total of 10-11 hours to complete. By reading these modules, the participants will get acquainted with the main features of mentoring on employment- related issues and will be prepared to participate effectively in the mentoring process as a mentee.
  • Learning by doing. This is a question/answer session. The self-directed learning methodology is based on closed questions. Specifically, by answering the questions, learners are actively involved in analysing a situation, suggested by the question from mentee's point of view. After answering the question, the system provides learner with an estimation of his/her answer (if it was correct or not) with the clear explanation of the correct answer. Thus, these learning materials are provided in the attractive and interactive way.
  • Videos. A collection of video-spots are used to visualise the training course.
  • Success Stories. This session introduces success stories of mentoring on employment-related issues.
Title e-MENTORING: New Skills and Competencies for new jobs
Date launched 2011
Status (Ongoing, forthcoming) Ongoing
Type of Resource Online course
Purpose Employment
Online or Blended Online
Learning outcomes The resource aims to introduce ways of using ICT in the mentoring process in order to enhance learning opportunities and obtain new skills and competences for increasing employability.
Target group Adult learners (special attention to be given to socially disadvantaged adults, such as migrants, ethnic minorities)
Evaluation results/ monitoring plan N/A
Recognition or certification of learning N/A
Europass Aligned with basic Europass fields
Financing and sustainability model European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme
Leading Organization Social Innovation Fund (LT)
Contact Person Social Innovation Fund (project coordinator)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ';document.getElementById('cloak3672454096e957aa04500c84c9a81f28').innerHTML += ''+addy_text3672454096e957aa04500c84c9a81f28+'<\/a>';
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