  • Social inclusion
  • Employment

IT-Specialists, Social Economy Innovators, Educators and Experts involved in YOUTHShare project collaborated to produce an E-learning platform incorporating educational tools that enhance NEETs skills in the resilient sectors and pertinent social and sharing economy.

The YOUTHShare Training Package is designed and offered for both online and face-to-face delivery and aims at empowering the young women, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and youth in general on the "Concepts and Tools in Social, Sharing and Resilient Economy".

The main thematic areas are as follows:

  • IT Skills in Sharing and Web-based Economy
  • Skills in Resilient Sectors
  • Skills in Social and solidarity economy
  • Soft skills for young people

During their training participants had the chance to learn how to develop a sharing platform, how to pitch their ideas in person as well as in social media, how to develop a business plan, as well as they developed employability skills related to hospitality, agri-food, tourism and the circular economy with the EEA.

The learning material contains activities for youth to apply the knowledge, cases studies and examples. After each unit beneficiaries can assess their knowledge through an online assessment to “unlock” the next chapter. Besides this, the learning platform offers the opportunity to discuss any question at a common forum.

The eLearning platform is available online and users can complete the training at their own pace and receive a certificate.

Title YOUTHShare E-Learning Platform
Date launched 10/04/20
Status (Ongoing, forthcoming) Ongoing
Type of Resource
  • MOOC
  • Social Inclusion
  • Employment
Online or Blended Blended
Learning outcomes
  • To empower the young women, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and youth in general on the "Concepts and Tools in Social, Sharing and Resilient Economy".
  • To teach them how to develop a sharing platform and pitch their ideas in person and in social media
  • To teach them how to develop a business plan
  • To develop their employability skills related to hospitality, agri-food, tourism and the circular economy with the EEA. 
Target group Local low skilled Women or People with migration background (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers) between 25-29 years old.
Evaluation results/ monitoring plan

With the finalization of the courses, the users are requested to complete an overall assessment. After the completion of the assessment, the platform automatically issues a certificate which can be downloaded by users.

Learning assessment The e-learning platform offers multiple choice assessments for every unit and an overall evaluation of the course before issuing a certificate.
Recognition or certification of learning The certificate is given after the completion of 2/3 of the units. It is free as part of the project.
Europass Aligned with all basic Europass fields
Financing and sustainability model

The E-Learning platform is proud to be part of YOUTHShare - A Place for Youth in Mediterranean EEA, a transnational project with 10 partners from 5 different countries.

Both the E-Learning platform and its parent project, YOUTHShare, are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.

The platform will continue to work for the next years. The goal is to be used as a knowledge resource for those who want to gain a basic understanding relevant to the sharing economy.

Leading Organization The platform is brought by the partnership of YOUTHShare project. The leading organization of the project is University of Aegean, Greece.
Contact Person Cyprus Project Manager:
Markella Papanicolaou

For information about the project https://www.youthshare-project.org/

To access the e-learning platform https://elearning.youthshare-project.org/