  • Support Personnel
AAll training material will be published on the project’s website upon the completion of its deliverables and the intellectual outputs. The training material will be broken down in 5 thematic areas based on the production of each Intellectual output which will be produced during the project. Specifically, the main deliverables include:
  1. Admissions criteria and processes currently established by European universities. The deliverables are:
    • A digital/online guide of best practices in language and remedial courses for refugees
    • A digital/online guide of best practices in admission criteria for refugee students
    • A digital /online guide in alternative teaching and pathways to academic integration
  2. Successful University addition to a University program. The deliverables are:
    • A digital/online guide for refugee students’ academic support services.
    • A digital/online handbook of recommendations for refugee students’ financial support and social integration.
  3. Refugee scholars hosted at a university department. The deliverables are:
    • A digital/online guide of recommendations for refugee scholars integration.
  4. Educational module for trainers regarding the psychosocial support of refugees. The deliverables are:
    • A digital/online educational module and monitoring/recommendations guidelines for trainers regarding the psychosocial support of refugees.
    • A digital/online educational module and monitoring/recommendations guidelines of lessons on refugee integration and social cohesion.
  5. Health and legal issues regarding refugees/immigrants. The deliverables are:
    • A digital/online module and monitoring/recommendations guidelines for trainers regarding health support of refugees.
    • A digital/online module and monitoring/recommendations guidelines for trainers regarding legal support of refugees.
Title S.U.C.RE.: Supporting University Community pathways for Refugees-Migrants
Date launched 01-09-2016 - End: 31-10-2018
Status (Ongoing, forthcoming) Ongoing
Type of Resource Digital Resources
Purpose Support Personnel
Online or Blended OL
Learning outcomes The SUCRE project focuses on the response of the Universities to the academic needs of immigrant/refugees students and scholars and to the formation of Manuals of Field Testing (Handbook of Good Practices), through the development of training modules addressed to professionals working with this particular target group.
Target group Trainers, educators and professionals working with refugees/migrants, university staff
Evaluation results/ monitoring plan NA
Recognition or certification of learning NA
Europass Aligned with basic Europass fields
Financing and sustainability model Erasmus+KA2 Project granted by the Hellenic National Agency (IKY) via the European Commission
Contact Person Dr. Alexandros Triantafyllidis, Associate Professor at the School of Biology and Member of the AUTh - European Educational Programmes Committee
Email: ucre@auth.gr
Tel: +30 2310 99 8545
Website http://sucre.auth.gr/en
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